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How We Help
Pantheon Student Solutions is the country’s leading default management company servicing proprietary post-secondary education institutions. Our company’s primary goal is to reduce the cohort default rate (CDR) for our school clients. We achieve this by working closely with student borrowers to reduce delinquencies, prevent defaults, and assist them in managing their student loan repayments.
Changes to federal loan regulations, programs, and policies, including new rules for calculating default rates, new programs for repayment, the evolving developments around student loan forgiveness efforts, and uncertainty in the job market all have an effect on loan repayment rates and can impact schools. The implementation of gainful employment rules, recent reports from the Department of Education indicating 9 million borrowers missed their first three-year-post-student-loan-pause payment, all support closely monitoring loan repayment rates, and supporting and educating borrowers.
Keeping up with the constant change, news, information, and misinformation around student loans can be confusing and frustrating for schools and borrowers. Pantheon provides stability in this shifting landscape, ensuring our client schools that best practices are consistently followed to minimize the CDR, while effectively adapting to the ever-changing environment.
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